TrueNet® TracerLight®
Connector Identification System
ADC‘s innovative TracerLight® Connector Identification System offers a quick and accurate method
of identifying the termination point of optical patch cords. Each end of a TracerLight patch cord
features a flashing light source allowing technicians to visually trace individual patch cords from
one end to the other without pulling or affecting the patch cord.
• Dramatically minimizes the risk of taking the wrong fiber out of service
• Improves system turnup speed and accuracy
• TracerLight patch cords meet all performance criteria of standard ADC patch cords
• Ideally suited for SAN (Storage Area Network) and cross-connect patching
• 72% reduction in jumper turn-up times and 13% reduction in accidental down-time.
TracerLight pays for itself again and again!
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TrueNet® TracerLight®
Connector Identification System
TracerLight Power Source
The compact power source is comprised of a
lightweight, plastic flashlight body featuring two AA
batteries and a printed circuit board (PCB). It provides
approximately 80 hours of continuous service and
features 1-hour auto-off. The end of battery life is
indicated by a slowing of the blink rate.
TracerLight Power Source
O rd e r i n g I n f o r m a t i o n
Catalog Number
Power Source
CoNNeCTorS (Singlemode and Multimode)
Connector Body
SC and LC:
Zirconia, 1.25
Zirconia, 2.5
Connector Color:
(Specifications continued on next page.)
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Specifications (cont.)
oPTICAL (Multimode)
operating Wavelength:
Insertion Loss:
850 and 1300 nm; all tested at both wavelengths
0.3 dB maximum
oPTICAL (Singlemode)
operating Wavelength:
Insertion Loss:
1310 and 1550 nm; all tests below apply at both wavelengths
PC: 0.2 dB maximum
APC: 0.5 dB maximum
return Loss:
PC: 57 dB minimum
APC: 60.5 dB minimum
MeChANICAL (Singlemode and Multimode)
GR-326 and FOTP 11; ∆IL < 0.3 dB; 3 planes, 6hrs. 10-55 Hz
Flex Cycling:
GR-326 and FOTP 1; ∆IL < 0.3 dB; 100 cycles with 2lbs. load
GR-326; ∆IL < 0.3 dB; 3lbs; 5 turns, 9 cycles
Mating Durability:
Tensile Load (Proof):
FOTP-21A; ∆IL < 0.3 dB; 500 cycles
GR-326 and FOTP-6; ∆IL < 0.3 dB; 15 lbs. at 0º and 7.5 lbs. at 90º
GR-326 and FOTP-2; ∆IL < 0.3 dB; 8 drops from 1 meter (or 1.5 meters)
eNVIroNMeNTAL (Singlemode and Multimode)
Thermal Age:
Thermal Cycle:
humidity Age:
GR-326 and FOTP-4; ∆IL < 0.3 dB; 7 days at 85ºC
GR-326 and FOTP-3A; ∆IL < 0.3 dB; 7 days, -40º to 75ºC, 21 cycles
GR-326 and FOTP-5; ∆IL < 0.3 dB; 7 days at 75ºC and 95% RH
* Release Pending
Note: 0.3dB max IL @ 850/1300 included with all assemblies.
Note: Now included with all flat polish (UPC) SC and LC singlemode connectors:
0.2 dB maximum insertion loss at both 1310 and 1550 nm
100% interferometer data
±50 nm recession
<50 micron apex offset
10-25 mm radius of curvature
From North America, Call Toll Free: 1-800-366-3891 • Outside of North America: +1-952-938-8080
Fax: +1-952-917-3237 • For a listing of ADC’s global sales office locations, please refer to our web site.
ADC Telecommunications, Inc., P.O. Box 1101, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA 55440-1101
Specifications published here are current as of the date of publication of this document. Because we are continuously
improving our products, ADC reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. At any time, you may
verify product specifications by contacting our headquarters office in Minneapolis. ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
views its patent portfolio as an important corporate asset and vigorously enforces its patents. Products or features
contained herein may be covered by one or more U.S. or foreign patents. An Equal Opportunity Employer
103472Ae 12/07 revision © 2001, 2006, 2007 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. All rights reserved
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